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Chinese translation for "tectonic active area"


Related Translations:
tectonic:  adj.1.构造的;建筑的。2.【生物学】构造的。3.【地质学;地理学】地壳构造上的,起因于地壳运动的。
tectonic gradient:  构造梯度
tectonic unmixing:  构造离析构造性分离
tectonic plain:  构造平原
tectonic belt:  构造带
tectonic flow:  构造流动
tectonic synthesis:  构造综合分析
tectonic loading:  构造载荷
tectonic clastic:  构造碎裂
tectonic type:  大地构造类型构造型式
Example Sentences:
1.The analysis of structural movement and expression shows that qinqi tectonic active area is a volcano - sendimentary compressional depression formed by several times of compression movement from lower proterozoic , and spreaded in the direction of north step by step till the forming of xiangshan and miboshan group in mid - later period of ordovician , bearing hardly with volcanical rock
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